Systems Change Masterclass
Learn how to craft your own systems change strategy in this online and self-paced masterclass, and collaborate with other leaders to reach deep and lasting impact.
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Before you start
About You & Quick Self-Reflection
Module 0: Introduction to the Systems Change Masterclass
For more in-depth learning
Module 1: What Systems Change Is and Why It Matters
Download the Workbook!
For more in-depth learning
Module 1: Post-Module Survey
Module 2: Analyze Your Root Causes
Turn to your Workbook again!
Module 2: Post-Module Survey
Module 3: Find Your Targeted Systems Change Goal
Turn to your Workbook
For more in-depth learning
Module 3: Post-Module Survey
Module 4: Tell the Story of Your Systems Change Strategy
Turn to your Workbook
Module 4: Post-Module Survey
Setting goals beyond our reach so we can have something to live for!
Gain a systemic view beyond your own organizational boundaries and activities.
Identify your specific areas of improvement and get clarity about your intended systemic impact and the ability to communicate it.
Learn how to engage a broader audience and build a network of allies to achieve systems change.
This experience provides an introductory and solid basis for anyone who is interested in taking their impact to a deeper level. It is open to:
Ashoka Fellows and members of their team
Ashoka Young Changemakers
Ashoka Support Network members (ASN)
Ashoka staff
Ashoka corporate partners and their employees
Ashoka School Change leaders and educators
“A truly helpful exercise for those who are actually scaling and those who are looking to scale. It allows entrepreneurs to do what they should, think about the future.”
“Ashoka Fellow Michael Sani worked with others to create 40x more impact after implementing a systems change strategy that came out of taking this masterclass in-person. ”
“The course let us build a profound understanding about the root causes of the problem and not only work on the symptoms. Taking the time and reflecting is the prerequisite for working on the right issues.”
“I really enjoyed real life cases and examples to demonstrate that dramatic change is feasible and that it all starts with simple ideas, step by step. It gives me hope and motivation to keep going.”