Journey Flow

    1. Welcome to Ashoka and the Leading Multi-Stakeholder Collaborations course!

    2. How to use this course platform

    3. Before we begin

    4. Housekeeping!

    5. Resource: Workbook!

    1. Module 1: What kind of collaboration are we aiming for?

    2. Introduction to the Course Content

    3. Why we need a collaborative approach for systems change

    4. Clarifying your intention for collaboration

    5. How is Collaborative Innovation different?

    6. Week 1 Discussion Board

    1. Let's recap! What do you remember from Module 1?

    2. Module 2: What are common phases and patterns of collaborations?

    3. Collaborating effectively for systems change: The 4 Agendas Framework

    4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Collaborations

    5. The Collaborative Innovation Roadmap

    6. Week 2 Discussion Board

    1. Let's recap! What do you remember from Module 2?

    2. Module 3: How do we enable a strong, integrative, lasting culture?

    3. Fostering a Culture of Collaboration

    4. Culturally Integrative Approaches to Collaboration

    5. Week 3 Discussion Board

    1. Let's recap! What do you remember from Module 3?

    2. Module 4: How do I show up in my work?

    3. Story: How the self shows up in leadership

    4. Leadership Framework: The self as an instrument of change

    5. Leadership Qualities for Collaboration

    6. Leadership Actions for Collaboration

    7. Week 4 Discussion Board

    8. Congratulations! You're almost done.

    1. Case Study: Nā Kama a Hāloa

    2. Collaboration story: Healthcare without harm

    3. Case Study: The Clean Electronics Production Network

    4. Insights: Ashoka Fellows on Leadership Qualities for Collaboration

    5. Tools: The 6 patterns in Collaborative Innovation

About this course

  • Format: 4 Modules
  • Time: 4 hours of video content
  • Dates: Self-paced

Course Objectives

What would you get out of this self-paced journey?

  • Get an overview of practical tools and new strategies to create successful conditions for complex collaborations and apply them directly to your work.

  • Reflect on how these learnings affect your own awareness, intentions, and choices as leaders.

  • Practice the tools and content as you go along this course through exercises in the workbook.

  • Get a chance to connect with likeminded peers who go through this journey through our discussion boards.

Who is this journey for?

This journey is open to anyone who is interested to learn more about how to lead effective multi-stakeholder collaborations. We are open to:

  • Anyone who is keen to learn about collaboration

  • Changemakers leading or participating in consortiums

  • All Ashoka staff, community, partners, and allies who are interested in collaboration

Thank you to our partner, CoCreative!

This course has been developed in collaboration with our knowledge partner, CoCreative. They have been leading practitioners in the field of multi-stakeholder collaboration for over 15 years of experience in the field, and are the main content contributors to this journey. You can explore tools, resources, and more on their website

Course co-leads

Meet the co-leaders of this learning experience

June Warde

Co-leader Leading Multi-Stakeholder Collaborations Course

June is one of the co-leaders of the "Leading Multi-Stakeholder Collaborations" learning journey. She has worked as a facilitator, community manager, and organizer for multiple initiatives within Ashoka, notably in the fields of Health and Green Changemaking. She is also a challenge manager for Ashoka Changemaker Challenges, where she builds global engagement journeys for changemakers, surfaces trends in specific fields, and enables connections within ecosystems. June has a background in behavioral sciences, with a passion for understanding human behavior and decision-making in the context of social change.

Léna Borsoi

Co-leader Leading Multi-Stakeholder Collaborations Course

Léna Borsoi co-leads the learning journey "Leading Multi-Stakeholder Collaborations" of the Europe Fellowship program. She also co-created and co-leads collaborative initiatives gathering, respectively, Ashoka Health Fellows and Gender fellows who are are analyzing systemic issues in their region and joining forces to address them. For several years, she has been researching and working on the nexus between leadership and impactful cross-sector collaborations, more particularly as a program manager for the Executive in Residence program, supporting collaboration between corporate leaders and social entrepreneurs.

Luzette Jaimes

Luzette works on social ecosystem activation and system change through the design and facilitation of transformational learning processes. She works in the areas of human development, being-well, and awareness-based leadership development for Changemakers. For two decades she has focused on social entrepreneurship through different roles at Ashoka, including launching Ashoka’s Learning & Development to deepen an organizational learning culture in support of their vision of accelerating the emergence of an “Everyone a Changemaker” world. Luzette is the founder of Alive & Thriving, LLC, a human development incubator for individuals and groups, and co-founder of Consciousness Coalition (CoCo Labs), a collaboration initiative to integrate human development into community development. Luzette is adjunct faculty at George Washington University Center for Public Leadership’s e-co Leadership Coaching Program. She holds a BA in Finance & Intl Rel, a MSc in Holistic Science (whole and complex systems). Professional Certified Coach PCC, Theory U facilitator, Being-well coach and mindfulness practitioner.